- 国家: Malaysia
- 区/旗舰: Eastern Gate
- 镇: Mount Austin
- 资产状态 出租
- 价钱 RM3,000 / month
- 资产类型 排厂
- 特定类型 中排
- 任期 永久
- 尺寸(尺) 24x130
- 行业类型 轻工业
- 办公楼 ---
Mount Austin Jalan Mutiara Emas 5/xx Factory
-24 x 130 sqft
-Single Storey Link Factory
-Built in 20feet office
-Full extand owning infant and behind of factory
-Automatic Roller Shutter
-3 phase electricity
-few unit roof exhaust fans
-Factory height 8 meter